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CEFA2020 ARUBA gathers industry leaders, entrepreneurs, universities, NGO’s and governments from across the Western Hemisphere to the island of Aruba. Here we will facilitate high level discussions with key Circular Economy experts and practitioners to debate the state of the needs, challenges, and opportunities of this important and rapidly expanding field of work with the purpose of generating a common and deeper understanding of Circular Economy and its relevance and applicability in the region.

*Western Hemisphere:  North America  |  Mesoamerica  |  Caribbean  |  South America  |  European Territories  &  Greenland

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SDG logo with UN Emblem_Horizontal Web_t

This is a high-level bilingual & vitual event with the purpose to discuss solutions for meeting the SDGs






Mindful • FAIR • cleaner • greeneR • Regenerative • economy

At CEFA2020 we seeks to identify the initiatives that are revolutionizing the global economy based on sustainable production and business practices throughout the Americas. We do this by inviting leading experts business-leaders, senior government officials, academia, and other decision-makers and practitioners in the circular economy to participate in roundtable discussions. With the intention to spark in-depth analysis and discussion regarding the necessary tools, methods, indicators and criteria to allow the implementation of solutions compatible with the circular economy throughout the Americas.

Invitation from our Chairman to CEFA2020 Aruba

Due to the COVID-19 requirements, this year’s edition will be a pre-recorded podcast program, to bring about two-hour roundtable sessions with up to 4 panelists, with the aim to stimulate in-depth understanding of Circular Economy and showcasing circular thinking in practice as a suitable means for post-COVID economic rebuilding.   



Have given presentations at CEFA events since the first edition in 2017.




Have attended CEFA events since the first edition, visiting from more than 60+ countries.


45+ Panels &


Have been held by the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas during CEFA events

Featured Experts & Moderators

#CEFA2020: SESSION#1 [English] Circular Economy Forum of the Americas 2020 in Aruba #circulareconomy
Circular Economy Platform Americas

#CEFA2020: SESSION#1 [English] Circular Economy Forum of the Americas 2020 in Aruba #circulareconomy

The 4th annual #CEFA2020 SESSION #1: Circular Economy Forum of the Americas [AUDIO ENGLISH] | CEFA2020 ARUBA Visit CEFA for more info:​ or Moderator of session 1: Rubiela Lampe-Chiquito - Managing Director at ACE Firm Engineering, Aruba. Panelists: • Ken Webster (virtual-panelist) - Director IS4CE (Int. Soc. for Circular Economy), Visiting Fellow Cranfield Univ. Head of Innovation Ellen MacArthur Foundation, United Kingdom. • Juana Camacho Otero - Advisor at Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá & Member at the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, Colombia. • María de los Ángeles Franco - Co-founder of Circular and Expert at the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, Peru. • Ken Alston - Co-founder at Circularity Edge, Senior Advisor at the Americas Sustainable Development Foundation & Member at the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, USA. • Kevin de Cuba - Director at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation ASDF and Co-Founder & Member at the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, Aruba. CEFA gathers industry leaders, entrepreneurs, universities, NGO’s and governments from across the Western Hemisphere. To facilitate high level discussions with key Circular Economy experts and practitioners to debate the state of the needs, challenges, and opportunities of this important and rapidly expanding field of work. With the purpose of generating a common and deeper understanding of Circular Economy and its relevance and applicability in the region. Circular Economy Platform of the Americas | CEP-Americas visit CEP-Americas:​ Circular Economy Platform is a member based portal where information about Circular Economy from and for the Americas is made available. As the concept of Circular Economy serves as a suitable guiding framework there is a significant space and opportunity for the development of new tools, business models, design methods, and performance criteria to apply in real-life to achieve measurable results toward a Circular Economic reality. By linking people, ideas and actions through this Platform the transition toward a Circular Economy in the Americas is facilitated. The Circular Economy Platform of the Americas opens new avenues for profitable businesses, embraces the innovative and positive human intent, and allows for creative thinking and development of eco-friendly products and services to satisfy needs of the people of the Americas. The Platform will increasingly include individuals, businesses, governments, academia and organizations willing and able to engage in promoting, facilitating and help realizing Circular Economy adoption and implementation in the Americas.The challenge ahead is to engage more and more people to become change agents and help translate and materialize this Circular Economy paradigm into practical action and results. ©2020 all rights reserved by Americas Sustainable Development Foundation | Visit ASDF:
CEFA2020: La Circularidad durante COVID-19, Nicola Cerantola. #economíacircular  [audio español]
Circular Economy Platform Americas

CEFA2020: La Circularidad durante COVID-19, Nicola Cerantola. #economíacircular [audio español]

CEFA2020: Foro de Economía Circular de las Américas | Oranjestad Aruba visite CEFA: Nicola Cerantola en #CEFA2020 Founder & Director at Ecologing - CEFA reúne a líderes de la industria, empresarios, universidades, ONG y gobiernos de todo el hemisferio occidental para facilitar discusiones de alto nivel con expertos y profesionales clave de la Economía Circular para debatir el estado de las necesidades, desafíos y oportunidades de este campo de trabajo importante. Con el propósito de generar un conocimiento común y más profundo de la Economía Circular y su relevancia y aplicabilidad en la región. Plataforma de Economía Circular de las Américas | CEP-Américas visite CEP-Americas: Circular Economy Platform/Plataforma de Economía Circular, es un portal basado en miembros donde se encuentra disponible información sobre Economía Circular desde y para las Américas. Dado que el concepto de Economía Circular sirve como un marco rector adecuado, existe un espacio y una oportunidad significativos para el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas, modelos de negocio, métodos de diseño y criterios de rendimiento para aplicar en la vida real para lograr resultados medibles hacia una realidad de la Economía Circular. . Al vincular personas, ideas y acciones a través de esta Plataforma se facilita la transición hacia una Economía Circular en las Américas. La Plataforma de Economía Circular de las Américas abre nuevas vías para negocios rentables, adopta la intención humana innovadora y positiva y permite el pensamiento creativo y el desarrollo de productos y servicios ecológicos para satisfacer las necesidades de las personas de las Américas. La Plataforma incluirá cada vez más a personas, empresas, gobiernos, instituciones académicas y organizaciones que deseen y puedan participar en la promoción, la facilitación y la ayuda para lograr la adopción e implementación de la Economía Circular en las Américas. © 2020 derechos reservados por la Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Américas | visite ASDF:
CEFA2020: Centro y Red de Tecnología del Clima - El Estado de la Economía Circular en América Latina
Circular Economy Platform Americas

CEFA2020: Centro y Red de Tecnología del Clima - El Estado de la Economía Circular en América Latina

CEFA2020: Asistencia Técnica del Centro y Red de Tecnología del Clima - Asistencia técnica sobre la “Evaluación del estado actual de la Economía Circular para el desarrollo de una hoja de ruta para Brasil, Chile, México y Uruguay”. Como parte del programa de la 4a edición del foro #CEFA2020 en Aruba. #economíacircular Watch this session in English: SESIÓN: Apertura y Bienvenida Moderador: • Diana Ramos Pérez - Gerente Regional LAC en el Centro y Red de Tecnología del Clima CTCN. Panelistas: • Rose Mwebaza - Directora en el Centro y Red de Tecnología del Clima, CTCN. • Marcio Rojas da Cruz - Coordinador General de Clima en Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Innovaciones y Comunicaciones de Brasil, MCTIC. • Augusto Hermo - Director Gerente en Agencia Chilena de Sostenibilidad y Cambio Climático, ASCC. • María Amparo Martínez Arroyo - Directora General en Instituto Mexicano de Ecología y Cambio Climático, INECC. • Natalie Pareja - Director de Cambio Climático en División de Cambio Climático - Ministerio de Ambiente de Uruguay, MA. SESIÓN 1: Resultados clave de la asistencia técnica del CTCN. Objetivo del proyecto: Realizar una evaluación del estado del desarrollo de la economía circular para elaborar una hoja de ruta para cada país solicitante, revelando quiénes son los actores / partes interesadas clave y caracterizando brechas y déficits, que sirva de insumo para la construcción colaborativa de una hoja de ruta sobre este tema, que sirva como herramienta de gestión para la futura fase de implementación. Moderador: • Judit Rodríguez Manotas - Especialista de Tecnología del Clima en el Centro y Red de Tecnología del Clima CTCN. Panelistas: • Alex Gobbo Fernandes - Consultor Nacional Brasil en la Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo Sostenible ASDF & Factor. • Irina Reyes Donoso - Consultora Nacional Chile en la Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo Sostenible ASDF & Factor. • Mauricio Zenteno - Consultor Nacional México en la Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo Sostenible ASDF & Factor. • Hernán Carlino - Consultor Nacional Uruguay en la Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo Sostenible ASDF & Factor. SESIÓN 2: Conclusiones clave y próximos pasos para la transición de la Economía Circular en las Américas. Implementación: El objetivo en esto es mantener en circulación recursos escasos y valiosos durante más tiempo, promoviendo el diseño circular, la reutilización, el reciclaje y evitando la pérdida de materiales. El logro de estos objetivos requiere modelos de negocio alternativos, como la reutilización, la remanufactura y el producto como servicio. Moderador: • Kevin de Cuba - Líder del Equipo Implementador de Asistencia Técnica CTCN en la Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo Sostenible ASDF & Factor. Panelistas: • Daniel Chang - Coordinador de Programas y Proyectos de Bioeconomía en el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Innovaciones y Comunicaciones de Brasil, MCTIC. • Ximena Ruz Espejo - Subdirectora de Operaciones en Agencia Chilena de Sostenibilidad y Cambio Climático, ASCC. • Claudia Octaviano - Coordinadora General de Mitigación del Cambio Climático en el Instituto Mexicano de Ecología y Cambio Climático, INECC. • Jorge Castro - Asesor de Cambio Climático en el Ministerio de Ambiente de Uruguay, MA. SESIÓN 3: Palabras de Clausura. Asistencia adicional: CTCN tiene un papel clave que desempeñar en el fomento de la colaboración y el acceso a la información y el conocimiento para acelerar la transferencia de tecnología climática, trabajar con las partes interesadas y facilitar la colaboración y la cooperación sur-sur, norte-sur y triangular. Moderador: Diana Ramos Pérez - Gerente Regional LAC en el Centro y Red de Tecnología del Clima CTCN. Foro de Economía Circular de las Américas | CEFA reúne a líderes de la industria, empresarios, universidades, ONG y gobiernos de todo el hemisferio occidental para facilitar discusiones de alto nivel con expertos y profesionales clave de la Economía Circular para debatir el estado de las necesidades, desafíos y oportunidades de este campo de trabajo importante. Con el propósito de generar un conocimiento común y más profundo de la Economía Circular y su relevancia y aplicabilidad en la región. Plataforma de Economía Circular de las Américas | Es un portal basado en miembros donde se encuentra disponible información sobre Economía Circular desde y para las Américas. Dado que el concepto de Economía Circular sirve como un marco rector adecuado, existe un espacio y una oportunidad significativos para el desarrollo de nuevas herramientas, modelos de negocio, métodos de diseño y criterios de rendimiento para aplicar en la vida real para lograr resultados medibles hacia una realidad de la Economía Circular. ©2020 derechos reservados por la Fundación para el Desarrollo Sostenible de las Américas.
CEFA2020: UN Climate Technology Centre & Network CTCN - Status of Circular Economy in Latin America.
Circular Economy Platform Americas

CEFA2020: UN Climate Technology Centre & Network CTCN - Status of Circular Economy in Latin America.

CEFA2020: United Nations Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) - Technical Assistance on the “Assessment of the current status of the Circular Economy for developing a roadmap for Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay”. As a part of the program of the 4th edition of the international forum known as the Circular Economy Forum of the Americas #CEFA2020 that took place on December 8-9, 2020 in Aruba, Dutch Caribbean. Mira esta sesión en español: SESSION: Opening and Welcome - 8:30AM (AST) Moderator: Diana Ramos Pérez - LAC Regional Manager at Climate Technology Center and Network CTCN. Guests: • Rose Mwebaza, Director at Climate Technology Center and Network CTCN • Marcio Rojas da Cruz - General Coordinator at Climate, Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications of Brazil MCTIC • Augusto Hermo - Sub-Director of Operations at Chilean Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change ASCC • María Amparo Martínez Arroyo - Director General at Mexican Institute for Ecology and Climate Change INECC • Natalie Pareja - Climate Change Director at Climate Change Division Ministry of Environment of Uruguay MA SESSION 1: Key Outcomes of the CTCN Technical Assistance: “Assessment of the current status of the Circular Economy for developing a roadmap for Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay”. Project objective: To perform an assessment of the status of the circular economy development to prepare a road map for each requesting country, revealing who the key actors/interested parties are and characterizing gaps and deficits, to serve as input for the collaborative construction of a roadmap on this issue, to serve as a management tool for the future implementation phase. Moderator: Diana Ramos Pérez - LAC Regional Manager at Climate Technology Center and Network CTCN. Guests: • Alex Gobbo Fernandes - National Consultant for Brazil at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) & Factor • Irina Reyes Donoso - National Consultant for Chile at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) & Factor • Mauricio Zenteno - National Consultant for Mexico at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) & Factor • Hernan Carlino - National Consultant for Uruguay at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) & Factor SESSION 2 – Key Take-Aways and Next Steps for Circular Economy transition in the Americas. Implementation: The objective in this is to keep scarce, valuable resources in circulation for longer periods of time, promoting circular design, reuse, recycling and avoiding loss of materials. Achieving these objectives requires alternative models of business such as reuse, remanufacturing and product-as-service. Moderator: Kevin de Cuba - Team Leader at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) & Factor Guests: • Daniel Chang - National Consultant for Brazil at Bioeconomy Programs and Projects Coordinator, the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications of Brazil, MCTIC • Ximena Ruz Espejo - Sub-Director of Operations at Chilean Agency for Sustainability and Climate Change, ASCC • Claudia Octaviano - General Coordinator for Climate Change Mitigation at Mexican Institute for Ecology and Climate Change, INECC • Jorge Castro - Climate Change Advisor, Ministry of Environment of Uruguay, MA SESSION 3: Closing Remarks Further assistance: CTCN has a key role to play in fostering collaboration and access to information and knowledge to accelerate climate technology transfer, working with stakeholders and facilitate south-south, north-south, and triangular collaboration and cooperation. What are future plans for regional cooperation on the Circular Economy transition in the Americas? Moderator: Diana Ramos Pérez - LAC Regional Manager at Climate Technology Center and Network CTCN. Circular Economy Forum of the Americas | CEFA - CEFA gathers industry leaders, entrepreneurs, universities, NGO’s and governments from across the Western Hemisphere. To facilitate high level discussions with key Circular Economy experts and practitioners to debate the state of the needs, challenges, and opportunities of this important and rapidly expanding field of work. With the purpose of generating a common and deeper understanding of Circular Economy and its relevance and applicability in the region. Circular Economy Platform of the Americas | CEP-Americas - Circular Economy Platform is a member based portal where information about Circular Economy from and for the Americas is made available. As the concept of Circular Economy serves as a suitable guiding framework there is a significant space and opportunity for the development of new tools, business models, design methods, and performance criteria to apply in real-life to achieve measurable results toward a Circular Economic reality. © 2020 all rights reserved by Americas Sustainable Development Foundation.
#CEFA2020 Aruba: OPENING of the Circular Economy Forum of the Americas 2020, Aruba #circulareconomy
Circular Economy Platform Americas

#CEFA2020 Aruba: OPENING of the Circular Economy Forum of the Americas 2020, Aruba #circulareconomy

Opening Session: Circular Economy Forum of the Americas | CEFA2020 ARUBA Visit CEFA for more info:​ Panelists: • Kevin de Cuba - Director at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation ASDF and Co-Founder & Member at the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas. • Irina Reyes Donoso - Founder and Director at Reversible Chile & Member at the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, Chile. • Ken Alston - Co-founder at Circularity Edge, Senior Adivisor at Americas Sustainable Development Foundation & Member at the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, USA. CEFA gathers industry leaders, entrepreneurs, universities, NGO’s and governments from across the Western Hemisphere. To facilitate high level discussions with key Circular Economy experts and practitioners to debate the state of the needs, challenges, and opportunities of this important and rapidly expanding field of work. With the purpose of generating a common and deeper understanding of Circular Economy and its relevance and applicability in the region. Circular Economy Platform of the Americas | CEP-Americas visit CEP-Americas:​ Circular Economy Platform is a member based portal where information about Circular Economy from and for the Americas is made available. As the concept of Circular Economy serves as a suitable guiding framework there is a significant space and opportunity for the development of new tools, business models, design methods, and performance criteria to apply in real-life to achieve measurable results toward a Circular Economic reality. By linking people, ideas and actions through this Platform the transition toward a Circular Economy in the Americas is facilitated. The Circular Economy Platform of the Americas opens new avenues for profitable businesses, embraces the innovative and positive human intent, and allows for creative thinking and development of eco-friendly products and services to satisfy needs of the people of the Americas. The Platform will increasingly include individuals, businesses, governments, academia and organizations willing and able to engage in promoting, facilitating and help realizing Circular Economy adoption and implementation in the Americas.The challenge ahead is to engage more and more people to become change agents and help translate and materialize this Circular Economy paradigm into practical action and results. ©2020 all rights reserved by Americas Sustainable Development Foundation | Visit ASDF:

Past CEFA Events

Organizers CEFA2020

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CEFA is organized by the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, a initiative co-created by the Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) as part of its broader ambition to facilitate the transition toward Circular Economy in the Americas.

 © 2016-2022  Circular Economy Platform of the Americas.

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